Monday, February 14, 2011

Getting Involved

For the last couple years I've wanted to be more involved in sheep organizations, to help out and to promote sheep.  The demographics in our local organizations is not good...mostly retirement age farmers, and very few young people getting involved.  Nothing against retirement age farmers; in fact I have enormous respect for them, they have established the organizations we have and they have taught me everything I know.

We had a Pioneer Valley Sheep Breeders Association meeting Saturday night.  Doug Gillespie from Farm Bureau and Tom Colyer from American Sheep Inudstry were both there.  Two groups I'd like to be more involved with, and two people that I'm glad to know.  The best thing that came out of the meeting was that I got appointed with Leslie Merritt to represent the PVSBA to review the bylaws of the Federation, that is under ASI which oversees our group and the Eastern Mass. group.  Hopefully that makes sense. 

Sunday afternoon was the meeting for the Massachusetts Sheep & Woolcraft fair.  I may be a candidate to take over the job of Vendor Coordinator.  It's a big job, probably quite a bit of time committment, but I think I can do it.  It's a good way to get involved with what their needs are at the moment.

I don't want to overcommit myself.  I need to find my niche and find what I'm good at, and can have an influence on.  For now I'm learning, listening, and trying to get more involved in the sheep industry.

1 comment:

  1. Hello , I need to hire a local sheep shearer to shear my female dorpers. In Charlton city Ma. Please call my work no. 12 pm-6pm 1=508=434=0800
